The Preliminaries.

“First Study the Preliminaries”

In the realm of speech, the concepts recognized as the preliminaries are “the preciousness of being born a human being, the fact of impermanence, and the problem of samsaric existence.” (Dilgo Khyentse).

In the training of the body sets of movements based on the five elements; earth, water, air, fire, and the space that contains all, comprise the preliminaries.

Proper breathing with the diaphragm is essential to all postures.

Inhale by contracting the pubococcygeus and cremaster muscles to expand the belly like it contains an opening lotus blossom with its petal tips attached to the diaphragm.

On exhalation the belly contracts, the energy center at the base of the PC muscle relaxes, the lotus in the chest closes, and the diaphragm pushes up emptying the lungs.

The first set is done lying on the floor or ground.

The second set is done standing.

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